
Thursday, 28 May 2015


This term we have been learning about the ANZAC soldiers and WW 1.  In our literacy class, we have been reading different stories about the things that happened during the war.  

My writing group decided to write a movie script to show some of the things we learnt about WW 1. We made a script first and planned it to together to make us comfortable of who's doing what. When we planned it we went down to the playground and practiced what parts we were doing.

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Maths Work

23 x 19=437

x 20 3
10 200 30
9 180 27
200+180+30+27=437 slices were buttaed

Yes because they're 437 wre sliced. they're 142 peeps turned up.

Friday, 8 May 2015

Nesian Fusion assembly

This is what we did for Zeal Zone. we lean the how to do the afa with the ailao. One of the boys from Howick College show us how to do the afa and his name was maorikavaas.
   Image result for ailao

Friday, 1 May 2015