
Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Explanation of Homemade Instrument

 Explanation of Homemade Instrument

Task: Create instructions on how you will make your instrument including the materials needed, step by step instructions on what to do, and explanation as to how the sound is made.

This doc is a really rough outline for setting out your writing. You should use images and even video where appropriate.

My Instrument: My Instrument that I am making is drum.

Materials Needed: We need
  • sticks
  • buckets

Instructions for Homemade Instrument:
  1. Get a bucket and flip it over.
  2. Make sure the open hole is facing down.
  3. Then start hitting it with sticks.
  4. You can now start creating beats.

Explanation of how sound is created:
I’m going to explain how a drum make sound. It is very easy to make.

Main reason:
Drum make sound because as you hit it, it vibrates and creates noise.

Second reason:
If you do not hit it, it does not vibrate which means it doesn’t make a sound

Third reason:
The reason you should make a drum because it is easy to play and make.

Conclusion: That how drum make sound.

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